Keep up to date with the latest Africa-related research

AfOx events

Throughout the year, we support the exchange of ideas, research evidence, skills and experience to a multidisciplinary audience.

AfOx insaka's

Four women having a conversation

The AfOx insaka is a gathering for sharing ideas and knowledge about Africa-focused research. We invite speakers from varied disciplines and academic backgrounds to present their work and their ideas, which is followed by discussions and networking.

Globinars on decolonisation and methodological innovation to social justice

Future of Archaeology in Africa & the Diaspora


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and increasing global inequalities, suggest that archaeology must reinvent itself to go beyond colonial applications and provide models of alternative knowledge that have the potential to contribute towards sustainable development. In collaboration with partners across the world, we host monthly globinars on the future of anthropological research. 

Upcoming Globinar

Other Africa-related events organised by our partners 

Other Upcoming events