Africa Oxford Initiative
Our aim is to facilitate equitable research collaborations between researchers based in African institutions and researchers based at the University of Oxford.
- AfOx Team
- What we do
- Annual Report
Research, education & innovation
AfOx is a cross-university platform based at the University of Oxford with the aim of facilitating equitable and sustainable collaborations between researchers based at the University of Oxford and African universities, as well as increasing the number of African students pursuing postgraduate degrees in Oxford.
Active members in the AfOx network
Institutions in Africa collaborate with AfOx members
African countries have collaborating AfOx members
Building networks for impactful collaborations
Since our establishment in 2016, we have facilitated over 250 new collaborations, between 70 departments within the University of Oxford and 120 African institutions, across 32 countries and built a network of over 3000 members. Our support has enabled a wide range of research advances in medical sciences, big data engineering, astrophysics, environmental conservation, the humanities and many other areas.
Catalyst Grants
African Institutions
Oxford Departments
African Institutions
African countries
Providing opportunities for collaborative research
All our programmes are developed to enable researchers to co-design research and co-develop skills to tackle global challenges across all Sustainable Development Goals
The AfOx Visiting Fellowship Programme is designed to provide exceptional African researchers an opportunity to build international networks and focus on a project of their choice, away from teaching and administrative duties at their home institutions. Open to all research fields, the Fellowship supports researchers to spend up to 8 weeks at Oxford.
Initiated with the aim of supporting new collaborations between researchers based in African institutions and the University of Oxford, the AfOx Catalyst Grants are open to all disciplines, all year round. They allow researchers to work together on an emerging research area of mutual interest.
The Africa Oxford Health Innovation Platform (AfOx-HIP) is a multi-disciplinary programme to support African innovators develop new solutions to Africa’s health challenges. It does so by connecting research to industry to tackle prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment through impact investment and innovation. AfOx-HIP collaborative platform supported by key researchers in the University of Oxford and African institutions, and led by AfOx.
At AfOx, we are working with departments, colleges and scholarship committees across the University to maximise opportunities available to prospective African applicants, to support current African students at Oxford and support African alumni post their graduate degrees. We are taking a multi-pronged approach aimed at increasing the numbers of successful African applications, improving the uptake of offers by supporting scholarships access and providing on- course support to African graduates at Oxford.
Our insakas convene researchers, students, alumni, the wider University community and guests from around the world to share ideas and knowledge about Africa-focused research.
We also support high quality events at the University of Oxford and our partner institutions in African countries to highlight the latest Africa-related research.
Connect, Collaborate & Communicate
AfOx Highlights report Report

AfOx creates an ecosystem for African students, entrepreneurs and researchers to collaborate and flourish while addressing some of the world’s most pressing challenges. AfOx students, researchers and innovators are improving livelihoods and safeguarding our future. They are uncovering hidden histories of our past and finding new sources to create energy for the future. They are solving real-world challenges and accelerating progress towards the sustainable development goals.
AfOx Team

Mr Tom Orton, Innovations Fellowship Programme Manager

Ms Sepiso Dean Mwamelo, Scholarships Programme Manager

Ms Sandra Akweley Martey, Scholarships Programme Coordinator

Ms Rita Njeru, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager

Dr Holly Chalcraft, Student Funding Officer (Student Fees and Funding)

Ali Shioui, Programme Assistant
View the members of the AfOx steering committee here