AfOx Announces Expanded Travel Grants

The Africa Oxford Initiative is pleased to announce the newly expanded AfOx Travel Grants. Applications are now open to any discipline within the University. These AfOx Travel Grants, worth up to £5000, are to support the establishment of new collaborations between academics in Africa and academics in Oxford for research or teaching and can be used to cover: 1. Costs of travel in either direction, that is from the UK to an African country or vice versa 2. Accommodation, and 3. Any Incidental expenses. About AfOx  Formed after extensive consultations among Oxford academics and African colleagues, the Africa Oxford Initiative seeks to foster the establishment of equitable and sustainable collaborations between African Academics and the University of Oxford At a time when the African continent is poised for decades of strong economic and demographic growth we see huge potential both for African universities and for The University of Oxford in increased partnership. The African Union’s vision 2063 envisages that all African countries will move to middle income status powered by knowledge-based economies. African university graduates and African universities will play a central role. AfOx will support and facilitate partnerships in priority areas including education and research collaboration, scholarships and grants and academic leadership.